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Green Cross Veterinary Products Launches New Superfood for Reptiles, "G-REP SuperFood"
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Answering all questions for reptile feeding with the launch of new reptile food product, G-REP SuperFood.

Whether you are a seasoned gecko owner or welcoming your first pet gecko, there are always a lot of questions.
Green Cross Veterinary Products is here to answer them all with the launch of our new reptile food product, G-REP SuperFood.

G-REP Superfood has been extensively tested for safety on a large scale, involving over 3,000 gecko species, and has shown excellent results in terms of palatability and growth rate through external trials.
We have used twin-bellied crickets to provide an abundant supply of protein and fresh natural fruit dry powder to enhance the taste.

G-REP Superfood has been designed focusing on three primary values for reptiles: ▲TASTE ▲SAFETY ▲HEALTHY. It is distinguished by the inclusion of various vitamins such as calcium, vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin B.  G-REP Superfood is available in ▲insect flavor ▲fig flavor, in three sizes: 50g, 100g, and 1.8kg.

PM of Marketing at GCVP, said, "We have spent about three years striving to launch a safer and better feed for the growing reptile industry." He added, "We will continue to strive for the development and discovery of various product lines needed in the special animal market."

Established in 1973, Green Cross Veterinary Products is celebrating its 51st anniversary this year as a global innovative vaccine & pharmaceutical specialist. The main business includes animal medicines (vaccines, pharmaceuticals), and the company is actively investing in R&D research and development.