Catoforce inj.




- Indication
• Assistant prescription for the treatment of acute disease and acute metabolic disorder, slight paralysis, anorexia, decrease in lactating, recmore thany of fatigue, infirmity of young animal, lumbago of horse and hypocalcemia. • Chronic disease, chronic metabolic disorder, promotion of growth of young animal, nutrition deficiency, metabolic disturbance by unsuitable feed, infertility and secondary anemia for parasite. • Promotion of vitality and resistance of healthy animal. • Chicken : Promotion of feed efficiency, weight, vitality, laying performance, egg-shell quality, decrease of mortality, boost resistance in high stress, prevention of cannibalism and shortening of moulting period.
- Composition [[per 1mL]]
Butaphosphan - 100mg Vitamin B12- 0.05mg Taurine - 37.3mg Nicotinamide - 23mg L-Methionine-18.7mg